আজ রবিবার, ৯ই মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ২৪শে ফাল্গুন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ


প্রকাশিত জানুয়ারি ৩১, ২০২৫, ১১:১১ পূর্বাহ্ণ

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Taghrid Bou Merhi

The poems are the wings of our souls
They soar between the pages of days,
Preserved by memory, or scattered by the wind
Into the corners of oblivion.
Yet, I love all my poems,
For each one carries my face
In a fleeting moment of life.

The last joyful page
Was hidden on the branch of a tree before my window,
When my soul turned green for the first time,
Filled with hope.
On that day, I wrote my dreams
On linden leaves
And hung them on the doors of tomorrow.

The last sorrowful page fell
When I encountered the profound meaning of loss,
Realizing that some faces
That left our lives will never return,
And that the phone holds no numbers
To console the absence.

The last nostalgic page still sleeps
On the shelves of my heart.
It awakens with the rise of the moon
To weave stories in the threads of night.
It is the page that carries the scent of mothers
And the songs of childhood,
Still floating on the memory of time.

The first page I ever read
Was on my father’s features,
As he spoke to me about the land
That vanished beyond the borders.
I was young then,
But that page continued to travel with me,
Until I read it again on the face of the clouds
When the sea took our loved ones
And never returned them.

The most beautiful page
Is the one I welcomed with hope,
When I held my heart in my hands for the first time.
That page was filled with love and wonder,
And I still keep it
In the diaries of my prayers every morning.

The truest page
Is the one I write now,
When I decided to let the little girl inside me
Run free without restraint,
Painting words
As if they were butterflies
Soaring in a new morning.



TAGHRID BOU MERHI is a multilingual poet, writer, author, essayist, editor journalist and translator. She has authored 23 books and translated 35 books to date, 112 article to date. She is an active member of various literary and creative platforms. Her writings are part of several national and international magazines, newspapers, journals and anthologies. She was chosen among the 50 women from Asia who had a significant impact on the history of modern literature and she was chosen among the top 20 international journalist’s from Legacy Crown. She is a global advisor for poetry on CCTV Chinese TV and editor and head of the translation department at various literary newspapers and magazine. She has won many awards for her write-ups.