আজ মঙ্গলবার, ২৫শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ১১ই চৈত্র, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Monipuri Raslila Celebrated in Madhabpur & Adampur

প্রকাশিত নভেম্বর ১৬, ২০২৪, ০৬:৫২ অপরাহ্ণ
Monipuri Raslila Celebrated in Madhabpur & Adampur

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Swapan Kumar Singh:

Raslila, the largest religious cultural festival of the ethnic Manipuri community of Sylhet Division was celebrated in the full moon of Kartik in every year at the mandops of Madhabpur and Adampur Sanathakur in Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar district on November -15.
Thousands of women, men, children, teenagers, poets, journalists, domestic and foreign tourists visit from all over the country to enjoy the festival of Radhakrishna’s romance overnight.
Maha Rasilala was held amid colorful arrangements and strict security.
This fair was celebrated at both places on the occasion of the Rasotas, the people of the Maoitai Manipuri community celebrated in two separate places of Adampur.

Strict security measures were taken to make successful the festival in every year . Widespread enthusiasm prevails among the Manipuries. Various programs have been taken on the occasion of Maharaslila,main religious festival of the Manipuri community. Irrespective of
Race, religion & colour visit in the festival.
Bishnupriya Manipuris was celebrate the182 th anniversary of the Manipuri Maharasalila Seva Sangha at Madhabpur Shibbazar and the Rasopooj festival committee of Maitoi Monipuries arranged the 39 th anniversary festival at the Sanathakur Mandap in Tailgoan of Adampur union. Festival fairs will be held at the both places during the Ras festival. In addition to the people of Manipuri community, thousands of people irrespective of religion, caste will celebrate the festival.

Thousands of women, men, children, adolescents, poets, writers, journalists, native-foreign tourists, eminent persons and foreigners come to seek the happiness of Maharattri. Manipuri child dancers will keep devotees, fans and visitors entertained throughout the night.
Both the melodious temples, made of the white paper show the performance of the
spectators by children’s dancing artists coming from far and wide, keeping the mantra captivating. As the day of the observance draws closer, the attraction of the festival is increasing, as well as the attendance of the visitors at the festival.

This day, surrounded by the inclination of Hindu religion, Shree Krishna and his friend Sakhi Radha through the sound of laughter, cheer, and shouting, brings a different moods to the people of Kamalganj.

Madhavpur (Shibbazar) Joramandap Premises Manipuri Maharasalila Seva Sangh organized various programs on the occasion of 182nd anniversary of Bishnupriya Manipurira. At 8 pm, Manipuri Maharasalila Seva Sangh President Engineer Yogesh Singh presided over and general secretary Shyam Singh and Nirmal S Palash were present as the chief guests. District Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Padmasan Sinha, Moulvibazar Additional Superintendent of Police Sudarshan Roy, Kamalganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer Zainal Abedin, Kamalganj Thana OC Syed Iftekhar Hossain and others.
On the other hand, Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Tourism Board Abu Taher Muhammad Jaber was present as the chief guest at the Rasotsav discussion meeting at Manipuri Cultural Complex in Adampur.
General Secretary of Manipuri Maharasalila Seva Sangh Shyam Singh said, Madhavpur Joramandap Rasotsav is an exceptional event in Sylhet Division. Everyone comes here regardless of caste and religion. All come together in the traditional Raas festival of the Manipuri community, rich in colorful art.

It is to be noted that the Maharaja of Manipur Bhagcha Chandra being dreamt launched dancing songs in 1779 .
Most of the successor kings of Raja Bhagchandra were adept in dance and they also participated in the dance. As a result, there was no difference in the continuation of this culture among the Manipuri community. The tradition of the past has been celebrated without any distortion in Kamalganj.
It’s a main religious festival of the Manipuri community that is called the great raslila of Sri Krishna. Today is a different mood than all other days of the year, surrounded by Radha-Krishna Leela (Play ) with the sound of cheerfulness, enthusiasm & melodious.
After two days of the scheduled time Ras festival is to be held at Sunamganj district headquarters, it’s learnt.